Invited Speaker

Dr. Evgeny Grigoryev
Head Laboratory of High-Energy Methods for the Synthesis of Ultrahigh-Temperature Ceramic Materials,Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISMAN), Russia
Speech Title: Advantages High Voltage Consolidation of Powders Refractory Materials
Abstract: The main features of high-voltage electropulse consolidation (H-VEC) of powder refractory materials and the unique possibilities of the method caused by them are considered. The electro-thermal processes in the H-VEC at the contacts between the powder particles and in the macroscale of the whole consolidated sample are analyzed. The results of calculations of the dynamics of closure (collapse) of interparticle pores in the consolidated material are presented.
The experimental results of high voltage consolidation W-based heavy alloys are discussed and a theoretical analysis of the kinetics of compaction of powder materials is made. The results of investigation of the macro- and microstructure of consolidated materials and the stress - strain testing are presented. Compression testing showed that all tested alloys bear compressive stress at room temperature without failure. The plasticity of the heavy tungsten alloy is one of the objectives of the current research. The high-voltage consolidation contributes to maintaining an initial fine-grained structure, more uniform distribution of iron-nickel binder and almost total absence of porosity. The optimal modes of high voltage consolidation W-based heavy alloys on the results of tests of short cylinders according to the “Brazilian test” scheme were obtained.
The process of high-voltage electropulse consolidation of hafnium carbide powder was experimentally studied. A criterion is established that defines the range of technological parameters for creating dense consolidated materials. The results of an experimental study of the microstructure of the obtained hafnium carbide are presented.
Examples of the use of high-voltage electropulse consolidation of powder materials and the direction of further research are considered.
Biography: Evgeny Grigoryev received his PhD degree from Department of Materials Science at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). He was Leading Researcher and Scientific Chief of Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field-Assisted Methods for Processing of Novel Materials in Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (2011-2017). His current research work includes high voltage consolidation of powder materials, spark plasma sintering, flash sintering, magnetic pulse compaction, etc.